Inspired by Donna J. Haraway’s theories on potential ways of living together, Tina Frank and Alex Murray-Leslie transform the Künstlerhaus into a glass habitat for speculative and political considerations with their piece What if in the frame of Klanglicht Festival 2019.

What if everything was different? “What if”, an immersive audio-visual installation by Tina Frank and Alexandra Murray-Leslie, presents a thought provoking experiment to question the boundaries of our thoughts through voices and sound, color, forms and image projections. Inspired by Donna J. Haraway’s theories on potential ways of living together, the two artists transform the Künstlerhaus into a glass habitat for speculative and political considerations. What does our environment look like if it were only inhabitated by moss and ferns? How would our everyday life be if detached from partriarchal structures? What if feminists ruled the world?

Tina Frank is a video artist, graphic designer and professor at the University of Art and Design Linz. She puts the focus of her work on data visualisations and synaesthetic experiments. Her installations and videos are shown worldwide at festivals.

Alexandra Murray-Leslie is an artistic researcher, performer and co-founder of the international art collective Chicks on Speed. She is Professor of Art/Science at Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Her current practice explores designing, fab-ricating & performing computer enhanced footwear for a new theatrical, audiovisual expressivity of the feet under water, on land and in the air.
